Eve Online Mobile

Eve online mobile tractor unit

Like EVE Online, EVE Echoes is free to play and is available on the App Store and Google Play Store. However, being free-to-play doesn’t necessarily guarantee that there’s no money involved, especially since it’s a mobile game. From the EVE Online website: Introducing the new EVE Online mobile gaming app. EVE Mobile is a streamlined, mobile-friendly version for Capsuleers to access New Eden on the go. EVE Mobile isn’t some stripped version or “potato mode”, players will be able to login and view their current ship, update market orders, manage contracts, and EVE. The mobile tractoring unit takes some of the work out of looting the scorched ruins left by capsuleers, be it pulverized asteroids, wrecked ships, or obliterated inhabitation modules of various kinds. Once it has been deployed and completed its automatic activation process, it will lock on to any containers or wrecks within range, reel them in one by one, and empty their contents into its own. We are pleased to announce that EVE Portal, the EVE Online Mobile app, has been released today as an open beta for both Android and iPhone. This first iteration of EVE Portal will include base level of. Oct 05, 2020 According to the official site, this new mobile game is, “an immersive sci-fi sandbox MMO on mobile”. In simpler terms, it’s EVE Online for your phone. If you’re not familiar with EVE Online, it’s a space simulator MMO with a massive online community and a unique persistent world in which every player logs in and plays on the same server.


All the excitement around GameStop’s stock has bled into GamesBeat’s discussions around the metaverse. And it turns out that stock market manipulation isn’t exclusive to the physical world.

“We had forms of short squeezes happening in the economy of Eve Online,” said CCP CEO Hilmar Petursson of the MMO’s in-game economy. “It was kind of a form of what’s happening to GameStop right now.”

Petursson joined moderator Mike Vorhaus of Vorhaus Partners to discuss Eve Online’s role as one of the earliest metaverses during GamesBeat’s Into The Metaverse event. Petursson and Vorhaus also discussed what it means to be a metaverse and the growth of Eve Online during the panel.

Eve Online Mobile Release Date

Petursson didn’t go into specifics about the in-game short squeezes, but added that gamers have manipulated their market in the same ways the real stock market is being manipulated right now.

“Reality is giving us a run for our money right now,” Petursson said. Eve Online did have a player-made stock market for a short time, but it isn’t currently in the game and hasn’t been available for the majority of its 17-year lifespan.

GameStop is currently going through a bit of a crowdsourced phenomenon. A large group of loosely organized retail traders have snatched up GameStop stocks in order to increase their value. Hedge funds that have shorted those stocks have had to pay up after losing their bet. The situation is ongoing.

Eve Online’s in-game systems are vast and complicated, so it’s not difficult to imagine how players could use the in-game economy in similar ways. The MMO’s capability to replicate real-world constructs, like religion and the stock market, have been key in making it a metaverse, according to Petursson.

“Eve Online is somewhere between a virtual world and game,” he said, talking about the word metaverse actually means. He combined the literal meaning of each word, “meta” and “verse,” to create a makeshift definition. “Verse meaning a world,” he added. “If you think of a world — a planet is a world. So if you’re building a virtual world, you’re building a habitat.”

Petursson then summarized the “meta” aspect of metaverses as something that exists in multiple worlds. He talked about the friendships, love stories, and rivalries that have come to fruition in the game. They exist both in and outside Eve Online.

“For the first 10 years we didn’t think of it as a metaverse,” he said, adding that their view changed as they witnessed more interactions as the game grew.

Eve Online added 1.3 million new players in 2020, continuing it’s 17-year streak of success. It, alongside games like Ultima Online, is one of the earliest examples of studios developing online metaverses for players to live in.

And as we’ve seen, even a metaverse can be subject to outside manipulation.

Eve Online Mobile App


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Eve Mobile App

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