Gravity Ragnarok

Yesterday, frustrated gamers of Ragnarok Origin in South Korea rented a vehicle with a large LED sign and parked it in front of developer Gravity’s office building to protest. Apparently, Gravity has not been pro-active in listening to community feedback for an extended period of time, while also ignoring bugs plaguing Ragnarok Origin among many other accusations. Phew.

This incident made it to local news, and earlier today Gravity caved in to demands and released a statement. It claims that for 2021, the company will “work hard to show changes in communication and game operation”. The measures include developer live streams, annual offline gathering, penalties for hackers, and a monthly developer note. Shouldn’t all these be done prior?


Gravity Ragnarok

Gravity went on to assure players of the other games, Ragnarok Online and Ragnarok ZERO, that “communications will be put first” for 2021. It is amusing that for a veteran games company such as Gravity to continue bullying their loyal fan base and only take action when something appears in the mass media.

Gravity Ragnarok Labyrinth

Ragnarok Origin Platform. Gravity Co.,Ltd. Service commencement. Service supported countries. → พาไปดู 6 เรื่องน่ารู้ ก่อนเล่น Ragnarok PC เซิร์ฟใหม่ของ Gravity ครับ:D หัวข้อมี.